
Showing posts from November, 2010

If you avoid all eggs, you'll never eat a rotten one; but then you'll never eat a good one either.

This article is a follow-up to an earlier post entitled "Some Thoughts On the Manifested Presence of God."   To read that article you have to scroll to the bottom of the page and click "older posts" and do that until you reach the post you're looking for.  -BL We should not use “bad apples” as an excuse to avoid all “apples.” Grocery stores and trees are full of good apples, and it is extremely rare to find a bad one. When I was a kid I found a worm in a peach taken from a tree in our yard, but it did not stop me from eating peaches. I found a rotten egg once when I was a child. It stank worse than anything I had ever smelled before or since. But I knew that it was an exception to the norm. Eggs are good, and so I continue to enjoy them as a part of my usual breakfast menu. I did not let one bad egg cause me to henceforth approach all eggs cautiously as if they might be rotten. If you were to visit a church where people were swinging from the chandeliers or...