
Showing posts from January, 2012


This is Part 4 in our discussion on Burnt Stones. In this and subsequent posts I plan to list Biblical principles that help us to come through the fire without becoming spiritually disabled, “burnt stones.” You must scroll down to read previous posts. -BL ENGAGE THE LORD FIRST We encounter various trials in our Christian walk. Some we can't explain and some are indicative of the “roaring lion” seeking to devour the righteous. But there are also times when adversities are the result of our own foolishness, disobedience, or sin, times when our adversaries are instruments of God designed to get our attention, teach a lesson, interrupt our wrong path, or to discipline us. God raised up adversaries against Solomon because of his idolatry (1 Kings 11). Balaam’s donkey balked and fell underneath him because his way was contrary to God (Numbers 22: 21-34). Moses, on the other hand, was a faithful man troubled by a stubborn crowd of disobedient people who were read...