
Showing posts from July, 2017


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” -Genesis 1:1. LOOK AT YOUR NOSE Life is infinitely too complex to have come into being randomly and by itself. There are so many interdependent systems that are necessary for the existence of life on earth; and the degree of refinement, accuracy, and perfection in the coordinated performance of all these operations necessary for life are too complex to exist apart from design. They are independent yet dependent and interdependent, and their functions must be exactly precise and with perfect timing. These dynamics testify to the existence and reality of God. I see the reality of God in many simple, subtle, and yet so obvious aspects of life that we often take for granted. For example, look at your nose. It is located in a most beneficial and practical place on your body. The nostrils point down so you don’t have to cover them to keep rain from falling into your sinuses. It is just above your mouth so that the sense of sm...


Take note…and be sure your sin will find you out.   Numbers 32:23 I SEE THAT HAND. I once saw a fellow falling asleep during a college lecture when I was at ORU. To hide it from the professor he rested his chin on one hand with his elbow propped on the desk. He held the pen in the other hand and moved it every once in a while to make it appear he was writing. His plan was working until he began falling into a deeper sleep. His head sagged lower and lower until he was sound asleep with his head lying flat on the desk with his right hand still holding the pen to the notebook and against his head. Every now and then the pen would oscillate as if he were taking notes. Asleep, he thought he was fooling the professor. THE CROW FLIES A seminary professor once told us of an experience he had in a college Latin class. Students had copies of Caesar’s Gallic Wars written in Latin and were being called on to read and translate paragraphs in class. One fellow was cheating. He ha...


  “…there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies….”  2 Peter 2:1 In 1972 I was on staff at a church in Southern California that had sprung up during the Jesus Movement. The spiritual hunger of those days produced a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit causing churches to overflow with young people and hippies who had surrendered to Jesus Christ. There was also a rise in false religions, new age, and occult practices. One of the heresies of the day was the Moonies. A few of them visited our fellowship one evening and tried to convince me that their group’s beliefs were based on the Bible. I quoted the Bible pointing out a number of their teachings that contradicted scripture. They seemed a little stunned and had no real answer, except that they would discuss these issues with their leader. The next week they returned. But this time their argument was that “the Bible is just another book and full of errors,” and they had revelatio...