Dear Friends Teachers have often said that the theme in Philippians is “rejoice.” I also heard a great series of teaching on “fellowship” as the theme in the book. However, I think the main emphasis is “The Way of the Cross.” In chapter 3 Paul refers to “enemies of the cross,” which he sets in contrast to the rest of the book. The enemies are those who are hostile to the historical cross and to the way of the cross exemplified throughout the book. The article below speeds across the surface. I have not quoted all the biblical references nor explained the concepts at any depth. I recommend you read carefully the book of Philippians and look for every reference that either explicitly or implicitly refers to or illustrates the life laid down, serving others, caring for others, and concern for others. You will see the “way of the cross” in every chapter. ---- Billy Long VICTORY THROUGH A LIFE LAID DOWN The book of Philippians is fille...