
Showing posts from September, 2022


  Dear Friends Teachers have often said that the theme in Philippians is “rejoice.” I also heard a great series of teaching on “fellowship” as the theme in the book. However, I think the main emphasis is “The Way of the Cross.” In chapter 3 Paul refers to “enemies of the cross,” which he sets in contrast to the rest of the book. The enemies are those who are hostile to the historical cross and to the way of the cross exemplified throughout the book. The article below speeds across the surface. I have not quoted all the biblical references nor explained the concepts at any depth. I recommend you read carefully the book of Philippians and look for every reference that either explicitly or implicitly refers to or illustrates the life laid down, serving others, caring for others, and concern for others. You will see the “way of the cross” in every chapter.       ---- Billy Long   VICTORY THROUGH A LIFE LAID DOWN   The book of Philippians is fille...


  “Come now. Let us reason together,” said the Lord.” Isiah 1:18.  “Pray for us…that we might be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men.”    2 Thessalonians 3:1-2   In Thessalonica Paul reasoned with them from the scripture, explaining and demonstrating…and many were persuaded. But some evil men and those who were envious gathered a mob and set the city in an uproar. Paul then left Thessalonica and went to Berea. The Bereans were of noble character. They listened to the word and searched the scripture to find out the truth. They made an honest effort to judge the message by the written word of God, rather than simply reacting based on their traditions and the imaginations of their own hearts. (Read Acts 17:1-21). The unreasonable people from Thessalonica then followed Paul to Berea and stirred up the crowd there also.  Paul then asked the Thessalonians to pray for him to be delivered from these people. Unreasonable people can be instruments of Sata...


Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy.” 1 Corinthians 14: 39 A prophetic word is a word given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We learn to walk in the Spirit the same way the twelve disciples did. We step out in faith to minister timely words from the Lord that comfort, encourage, and strengthen. Yet we must also maintain humble hearts ready to receive instruction and correction. We learn from our mistakes knowing we have this treasure in earthen vessels.   “He has settled on his dregs, and has not been emptied from vessel to vessel… therefore his taste remains in him.”   Jeremiah 48: 11. Have you ever tasted water from a hose left out in the sun on a hot summer day? The water flowing from the hose initially smells and tastes like the hose. It has to flow for a while in order to get to the taste of cold, clear, and pure water. We are like that hose. Our goal is to have purity and allow the Holy Spirit to flow through us as life-giving water, but factors su...


"As in water face reflects face, so a man’s heart reveals the man.” Proverbs 27: 19 “How To” books are generally disappointing to me. They give insights, inspire, and point in the right direction but are limited in their ability to bring us to full satisfaction in the results we anticipated. This is because the solutions lie primarily in the heart rather than mechanically following a list of steps. The heart, not the mind, determines our spiritual state. It is the heart that determines how a person perceives God and how he deals with life, other people, and his environment. The mind is the battlefield. It can be blinded and confused, but it is a product of the heart. The disposition of the heart determines the revelation a person can receive, the clarity and accuracy of his perception, and the extent of his ability and willingness to change. Although the mind does feed and influence the heart, yet the heart is the rudder. A person can be enlightened by a simple presentation of tru...