SEEING OUR GOOD INHERITANCE Dear Friends, We can learn some important lessons from Israel’s journey from Egypt to the promised land of Canaan. We need to remember how bad our bondage and lost condition really was, and not look back with a deceptive fondness. We need to appreciate the fiery trials of the wilderness journey and realize they were meant to discipline, train, and prepare us for the promised land and to ultimately to do us good. We especially need to realize that the promised land was not just a promise, but also a command. Israel was not given the option of refusing it with impunity. We must avoid the tendency to naïvely expect victory without battle or the despair of expecting battle without victory. There will be giants and adversity to face. The land awaiting Israel was not at first a friendly and peaceful paradise to casually stroll into. They had to conquer it. The same is true for us. We must appreciate our inheritance, realizing it is also and prim...