Dear Friends This post is a follow-up to the previous post on Forgiveness. This one deals with anger. Anger often goes with unforgiveness. Hopefully the principles given here will inspire us to gain victory over these two stumbling blocks. Billy Long “Cease from anger, and forsake wrath.” Psalm 37:8 Our ability to forgive involves gaining victory over anger. Anger can be useful or destructive. It can be an instrument in God’s hands or a tool of the devil detrimental to our spiritual life. It can give courage to overcome insecurity and fear, or it can be a harmful instrument for venting selfish attitudes and inflicting pain on those who have injured us. Anger can be a response to perceived injustice or it can cause an irrational loss of control in those feeling victimized. Righteous indignation has its place, but human nature easily uses it as an excuse to justify bad behavior. It becomes an obstacle to forgiveness, and hinders our ability to gain victory over t...