“Desire” is a morally neutral and innocent term. However, a desire that is strong, ungodly, and evil is called “lust.” Most people associate lust with sex, but it can refer to strong desire for anything. This post is written to encourage Christians to be alert and aware of the enemy’s schemes, especially in the area of temptation. Ephesians 4: 22. Lusts are deceitful. They lie to you. Whenever you face temptation, you must remember that you are being lied to. The alluring and attractive bait hides a trap or noose that will seize and destroy you. The photo is not of some science fiction Hollywood creation but is an actual angler fish. The anglerfish is a deep-sea fish. It lures its prey with a glowing appendage that looks and wiggles like a worm. A passing fish will be enticed by the lure, thinking he is about to have dinner, but soon finds he is the dinner. The victim wants what he sees, but steps into something he did not see…and did not want. The writer of Proverbs warns ...