

When the Salt Loses Its Flavor The book of Revelation refers to the apostate church as a harlot when she beds herself with the world system and false religions of the world, and when she compromises the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ in order not to offend the world and its ungodly values. The prophet Ezekiel said that Israel’s idolatry with the gods of foreign nations was spiritual harlotry. “You offered yourself to everyone who passed by and multiplied your acts of harlotry” Ezekiel 16:25. In their commentary on Ezekiel 16, Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown said,  “The wanton advances were all on Israel’s part; the idolatrous nations yielded to her nothing in return. She had yielded so much that, like a worn-out prostitute, her tempters became weary of her. When the church lowers her standards and lowers her testimony for God to the carnal tastes of the world, with a view to conciliation (with the world), she loses everything and gains nothing.” A church with a compromised


Here are three testimonies of miraculous healings from way back in 1967. These experiences occurred in our community during the months before I went off to college. FEET HEALED OF RARE FUNGUS INFECTION Here is Kim’s testimony of a miraculous healing he received when he was just a little kid back in 1967. He sent me the following email this week. Riding in the bed of that black Chevy pickup sure does bring back memories. Your message though brings back even more. Do you remember healing my feet through Jesus Christ? I had some kind of fungus or skin infection on both feet. Dr. Thomas said it was rare, treatable, but hard to heal. I had to soak my feet every night in some kind of a foot cocktail that had turned my feet black. When you saw my feet one day and asked about the blackness, dad told you about it. You asked me if I wanted God to heal my feet right then and I said yeah. You prayed and laid your hands on my black, and probably dirty since we ran around barefoot all the time


"HE'D BE IN TROUBLE IF HE DIDN'T." Leah was seven years old. She was trying to go to sleep but began to cry, saying, “Daddy and Mommy, my tummy hurts!” Laurel and I prayed for her, but the pain intensified, and she cried even harder. Finally, I turned to Laurel and said, “We need to take her to the emergency room.” Still in tears, Leah yelled out, “No! I don’t want to go to the hospital. Pray for me. Jesus will heal me.” So, Laurel and I laid hands on her stomach, and prayed in Jesus’ name. The pain instantly and completely left. Leah suddenly became very calm and relaxed. I leaned over and kissed her and said, “Leah, wasn’t that nice of Jesus to touch you and take the pain away?” She, with eyes half closed and ready now for sleep, peacefully and quietly said, “Yeah, cause if He didn’t, He would be in trouble.” I laughed under my breath and marveled at the simple faith of a child. WHAT'S HAPPENING? I remember my daughter Leah holding her two-year old son in her l


  AN UNUSUAL TRIP   The following article is an interesting story of how the Lord spoke and provided "manna" as Laurel and I took a wonderful trip of faith. I pray it will be encouraging to the readers. Many of you may remember this story. I posted it 3 years ago. ---Billy Long   “LET ME NOT BE ASHAMED.” During the latter part of 1972 Laurel and I were living in South Carolina. We were preparing to drive to California to attend her sister’s wedding but had only enough money for one-way. We sought the Lord and felt very strongly that the He wanted us to make the trip. However, I did not want to be irresponsible and embarrass myself by being stranded in California and having to call on family or friends for finances to return home. So we prayed and began our journey with peace and faith knowing we had heard from God. The Lord would provide for the trip back, and we were excited to see how He would do it. We agreed that we would not tell anyone of our need, but would simply pray


I met Laurel in 1971 at the beginning of my senior year at ORU. We initially planned for the wedding to take place the following summer, but a friend and fellow student challenged me. “Billy Long, you are a man of faith. If you really know in your heart that she is the one, why don’t you go ahead and have the wedding over Christmas break?” His words were the nudge that I needed. So, we set the date for the following January 9. In order to do that, we would have to drive from Tulsa to Longs, South Carolina, a community about 8 miles from North Myrtle Beach. We would pick up my mother and the three of us would drive from SC to Laurel’s family in Orange County, California. Then after the wedding, my mother would fly back to SC, and Laurel and I would drive back to Tulsa for me to complete my senior year at ORU. But all that driving is hard to do when you don’t have a car. So Laurel and I began to plan for the wedding and pray for a car. There is a prayer chapel on the ground floor of the


  BROKENNESS Psalm 51:17 “A broken and a contrite heart, Oh God, You will not despise.” The essence of brokenness is surrender and humility. It speaks of how we respond to God and to his leading and discipline in our lives. Brokenness refers to a contriteness that is willing to die to self and its desires. The absence of brokenness is characterized by a stubborn and self-centered struggle to resist change, correction, and God’s rule. Our unbroken human nature can be compared to the wild horse that is unwilling to submit to the rider and the bridle. The spirit of rebellion is basically the desire to cast off the yoke of God’s rule, to go its own way, and to satisfy its own desires. Much stress and distress come from holding to self and its interest and from the refusal to surrender, and “give up” before the Lord. A broken person will surrender and allow God to take him in hand. He responds properly to God's dealings. Surrender means that a person has yielded to God's hand, God&#
  SELF-CENTEREDNESS. This article probably describes SOMEONE YOU KNOW. Interestingly, all the main points in the paragraphs below came to me while listening to a lady complain about her friends. She exemplified most of the principles discussed. I originally posted this article 3 years ago. But I think it’s worth reading again.  —B Long SELF-CENTEREDNESS “Self-centeredness” and “selfishness” are two different things. A selfish person wants his own way, his own advantage, pleasure, and comfort without regard for others, and does not care how it affects others. A self-centered person evaluates and judges everything according to how it relates to or affects him, and is oblivious to how it affects others. A selfish person will deliberately hurt you. A self-centered person will hurt you and not realize it. A self-centered person has great difficulty in relationships because he has inner struggles with what he assumes others think about him. He wonders what they really meant by something they