Part 1: Characteristics of Heresies
In light of the current rise in the influence of new age and eastern religion in our nation and in the church, I have written a series presenting the true Gospel as a means of dealing with deception. There is serious error entering both evangelical and charismatic churches that undermines two basic foundational truths: The person and work of Christ and the Bible as the true word of God. Below is a series of posts dealing with the true Gospel as preached and practiced by the first apostles and by the first Christians. With so many voices and spirits speaking in the world today, it is important that true Christians know exactly what the message should be. The articles include the following titles: "Characteristics of Heresies" "The Gospel as Preached by the First Apostles and the first Christians" "The Gospel in the Book of Acts" "The Unchangeable and Everlasting Gospel and the Lamb in the book of Revelation" "The Emergent Church Heres...