In our spiritual growth we need to walk in faithful obedience to the Lord in the full range of experiences, from “pit” to “peak” and everywhere in between. We grow in spirit and depth as we walk with Jesus through desert places as well as “green pastures,” and in the “deep,” on stormy seas as well as the peaceful walk by “still water,” The Psalmist speaks of remembering the Lord from the Jordon valley as well as from the heights of Hermon. He experienced the Lord’s lovingkindness in the daytime and His song in the night. Near or far, high or low, there is no extremity that can separate us from God’s love and care. Below is a very candid and honest excerpt from my journal written 17 years ago in the summer of 2003 during a very difficult time. It might sound like an excerpt from Job’s journal during his most painful moments. I am confident I kept my heart right and tried to please the Lord as I came through that season; but I also had moments in which, like Job, I spoke words without k...