THE HARD HEART A true story Mr. C____ was the elderly patriarch of his family. His wife was a godly woman, but he never went to church nor professed to be a Christian (at least not to my knowledge). He was in his mid-eighties and showed no signs of any concern about eternity. Until he retired Mr. C_____ ran a small country store beside the highway not far from my childhood home. He was famous for “stretching the truth” by telling some unsuspecting customer that a neighbor had “passed away” that morning. My grandmother once answered the door to find a sad old gentleman standing there giving his condolences regarding my grandfather’s death. “Mrs.Eva, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am to hear about Mr.Tharon’s passing.” About that time my grandfather came to the door to greet the startled gentleman. Mr. C’s favorite target was an elderly man named Mr Faircloth; and occasionally as people came into the store, Mr. C_____ would tell them that the gentleman had died that day or the day...