
Showing posts from June, 2024

God’s Presence: To See or Not to See

A little longer, and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me...   — John 14:19a   I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet… Then I turned to see the voice that spoke to me… and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength…  — Revelation. 1:10, 12, 16   …He rose again on the third day… and was seen… by Cephas, then by the twelve… by over five hundred brethren at once… He was seen by me also… — 1 Corinthians 15:4, 5, 6, 8 The natural man comprehends God in the same way as a blind and deaf man would view a brilliant sunrise or listen to beautiful music. He would be oblivious to the wonders around him no matter how brilliant the sight or how loud the sound. The revelation of God works on the same principle. The person who has a heart after God will see or hear Him through the smallest sign while the one who has rejected God in his heart will see nothing or will explain it away, no matter how powerful the


  MY BOOK Spiritual Power for Everyday Living defines and explains spiritual gifts and the supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit. it gives many personal examples of miraculous testimonies and gives the reader a clear understanding of the prophetic ministry as practiced in the lives of the first Christians. It also gives a clear teaching on praying in tongues and its role in aiding the believer in a deeper experience of intercessory prayer and praise. A careful reading of this book will bring clarity and remove misconceptions relating to the role of spiritual gifts, prophesying, and tongues in the New Testament Church. This book will challenge new and mature Christians alike as it gives a clear exposition of the work of the Holy Spirit for our everyday life. The book is filled with testimonials of real life experiences given in the context of a balanced and practical application of the work of the Spirit. One reader stated, “I have thoroughly enjoyed your book, and have recomm


       Wisdom cries out in the streets. So why are we not filled with it? It’s not that we reject wisdom itself, but rather we reject the things that produce wisdom, and we tend to choose the things that prevent it. The problem is that while we seek wisdom, we reject righteousness. Doing the right thing is often the way to find and do the wise thing. Integrity guides and righteousness directs. A friend of mine once said, “If you do right, you’ll go right.”     People often mistake “deep” intellectual philosophizing as wisdom. But that can be so empty. Spouting out deep intellectual and philosophical thought may sound impressive, but that does not necessarily indicate true wisdom. Philosophy without Jesus puffs up like a balloon. True wisdom from the Lord brings inner substance, like a bowling ball.     A person’s knowledge can exceed his wisdom, and while age and experience are great tools for leaning wisdom, they can be wasted. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and


  What blessing, strength, encouragement, and life we receive from those who serve the Lord faithfully and without complaint! How our hearts are touched by those whose lives demonstrate such surrender to God’s will, and whose love for the Lord is revealed in their willingness to lay down self, take up their cross, and follow Him. Below is an email from a friend whose life has been such an example to me. An Email From A Friend October 28, 2002. Dear Billy and Laurel, ...I've been meditating recently on a comment by FB Meyer: "There is a providence of loss, a ministry of failing and fading things, a gift of emptiness…" This has been relevant to me, obviously, in the face of our family's loss and the necessity of giving 5-6 hours a day, 7/7, en route to or at the hospital. Let me say, there is no place I'd rather be. I don't begrudge it at all. My heart is to be there. But it has been a huge pruning as far as having time, energy, strength for "ministry"