Quotes from Arthur Burt

Quotes from Arthur Burt
Arthur Burt was from North Wales, United Kingdom. He went home to be with the Lord in 2014 at the age of 102. Glenn Anderson, who pastored Forrest Drive Baptist Church in Columbia, SC, introduced me to Arthur Burt sometime in the late 70s. I later invited him up to Raleigh to speak to our church. He was a unique individual and his message was rich. Below are a few quotes from Arthur Burt’s message to us at that time.”

“All men want progress; no man wants change.”

“Grace is free, but you have to pay a price for truth.

“The way has been strewn with ‘don’t wants.’”

“Should you submit to a pastor who doesn’t believe the Bible? 
You can’t put a live chick under a dead hen.”

“In the passage of years, time is on the side of truth.”

“Jesus said, ‘I have much to say, but you are not able to bear it now.’ The need is to be able to bear the truth.”

“Don’t be among those of the last wave who persecutes those of the next wave. Every wave upsets somebody.”

“The last move of God will be a ministry of the PRESENCE.”

“The agony and the ecstasy: Two emotions not known in many churches today.”

“To ‘Scab-pickers.’  Leave it alone or it will never heal.”

Regarding the Welsh Revival he said:
“The emphasis was on obedience (unconditional and absolute) and on forgiveness. God does not forgive unforgivers.”

“The Spirit fell on a young lady, and she ‘laid bare’ everyone in the room.” (1 Cor 14:24-25).

“A fellow entering the meeting and seeing the way the Holy Spirit was moving on the people, said, “I don’t believe in all this. God is not the author of confusion.’  Then instantly the Holy Spirit hit him, and he dropped to the floor out cold.”

“The Holy Spirit was still moving, and one of the elders wanted to close the meeting. A young girl said to him, ‘Wilt thou measure the immeasurable within the confines of one hour?’ The elder fell to the floor, and the meeting went on.”


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