Some Keys to a Successful Spiritual Walk

Below is a list of principles that will be helpful in your walk with the Lord and in facing the adversities and difficulties of life. Each of the items listed below is just the “tip of the iceberg” for the particular topic being given. There is more to say and many Bible verses that speak to the points given. If you have questions or would like more information or would like to know the Bible verses that accompany the principles written below, please contact me at   ----Billy Long

Keys to Successful Spiritual Warfare

 Realize we are on a battleship and not a cruise ship.
We must face “Og” (the enemy at the border), cross the Jordan, and deal with “giants” in the land we are entering to possess. Christians often tend to expect victory without battle...and if there is adversity, they tend to expect battle without victory. If we continue and stand in faith, we will see battle...but also victory.

Don’t be disillusioned by adversity, hardship, and struggles of battle.

Realize that in your walk with God, you have to deal with people. This complicates matters, and requires more faith on our part. When David played his harp, the evil spirit fled…but Saul did not. David had to walk in the Spirit, in faith, obedience, and perseverance in order to deal with Saul. We can cast out demons; we cannot cast out people. It takes faith and godliness to deal with people.

Be prepared for intensities, complexities, perplexities, and surprises. 

Have a heart for God’s purpose rather than a self-centered focus. A self-centered focus will “sideline” you from the real battle. Self-centeredness causes you to be focused on yourself without actually seeing yourself. It will be a distraction from your ability to see reality, the heart of God, and the real needs and situations around you. 

Trust in the Sovereign God who is able to procure, and secure, to uphold and defend. We must always remember that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or think. Is anything too hard for the Lord? No! HE is God almighty.

Wait upon God to judge. We generally want to pass judgment and execute vengeance (But we cloak it with the desire for justice) upon our oppressors. We must trust that God is the Righteous Judge. Everyone must ultimately answer to Him. 

Engage the Lord. Press into the Lord in faith, prayer, and intercession. Maintain real and intimate fellowship with the Lord in all that you face in life. 

Engage the Lord FIRST.  Wrestle with God, as Jacob did, before you wrestle with the devil or other people. The main characters on the stage of your life are you and God. The devil and other people are secondary. We must make sure the slate is clean in our relationship with the Lord, and make sure we hear what He is saying to us, before we “attack” others or the devil.

Sanctify the Lord. This means that in our daily life, we set the Lord apart from and above all else, so that our spiritual eyes are always on Him. No matter what people say or do, no matter what circumstances fall before us, we see the Lord. We respond to everything knowing He is watching and listening. So that in all things we try to please Him rather than reacting to people and circumstances.

Realize that you are in God’s hands…not in the hands of people or the devil. Paul did not see himself as prisoner of the Romans, but rather a “prisoner of the Lord.” Joseph was thrown into a pit, sold as a slave, and put in prison on his trip to Egypt. But his testimony was that "God sent him" to Egypt. Because he trusted in God and saw the Lord in control of his life, God caused all things to work to Joseph’s good and God’s purpose. He became ruler of Egypt next to Pharaoh. 

Avoid the victim mentality. A victim’s mentality places your life into the hands of other people. If others are responsible for your condition, then you will depend on them to get you out of it. You will blame them, wait for them, and sit helpless, bitter, and angry. Accept responsibility for yourself. Acknowledge your own sin, bad decision, and wrong responses. Then seek the Lord and discover the way out. Don’t blame others. Look to the Lord in faith, and arise to your destiny. You may have actually been oppressed and treated badly. Joseph experienced that. But he still fulfilled God’s plan for his life. You can too. But you will not succeed if you are hamstrung with a victim’s mentality.

Walk in God’s ways to accomplish God’s will. It is not enough just to know what God wants in a situation, we must also know how He wants us to accomplish it. The devil tries to keep us from knowing God’s will. But when we discover it, the devil then offers suggestions on how to do it. We must walk in the Spirit and godliness. Often Christians think that because they are right in a particular matter, they can “throw a fit” and get “in the flesh” to get done what they think the Lord wants done. If the Lord told you that He wanted you to prosper, you would not then go out and rob a bank. You would then work and be diligent in life, you would not turn to crime. We must apply the same principle to how we behave in life, in church, and in other matters.

Be sober. Sobriety means sound judgment rooted in a right spirit. When we maintain a godly attitude we are able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and have good discernment. A wrong spirit such as hatred, bitterness, resentment, and anger, will cloud our understanding and perception. Spiritual laziness and complacency will also fog our ability to discern and see clearly.

Maintain a humble and contrite spirit. The Lord will not despise a broken and a contrite heart. Arrogance and pride will cause God to resist you. Pride will bring contention. It will also make you susceptible to the suggestions of the devil.

Be strong and courageous. Fear not. Know that the Lord will not leave you nor forsake you. Those heroes of faith were not always naturally strong, but rather "out of weakness were made strong" ...and that by faith. Paul tells us to be strong in the grace of God. David "strengthened himself in the Lord." We go from strength to strength" as we hunger for, seek the Lord, and walk with Him. Faith, prayer, and the Bible are tools through which we tap into the strength God gives.

Don’t be angry at God. Do not tempt the Lord by accusing Him of evil, injustice, and unfaithfulness. Ascribe greatness to the Lord. Praise Him for his great and abundant mercy and manifold grace. Praise the Lord for He is good and His steadfast love endures forever. We often fail to recognize God's power and greatness. But also, we fail to see His kindness, goodness, and love.

Persevere, endure, and continue.
Esau traded his birthright for a pot of stew when he was weary and fainting. He gave up his future for momentary relief. The “vultures” gather around the person who is “crawling” in the desert. They cannot devour the man who is standing and moving forward. The Scripture exhorts us to remain steady, to persevere in our faith, in our prayers, and in our walk, whether on the mountain, in the valley, on the stormy sea, or by still water.
God will reward us for endurance, for simply holding on and keeping on. Jesus told the disciples, “In your patience endurance you possess your souls.” We will reap in due season if we faint not. Genesis 25:29-34; Hebrews 6: 10-20; Galatians 6:9; Luke 21:19.

There is more to say and many Bible verses that speak to the points given above. If you have questions or would like more information or would like to know the Bible verses that accompany this message, please contact me at   ----Billy Long

Write to me at:
Billy Long
PO Box 147
Longs, SC 29568


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