"Mercy and truth have met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed." Psalm 85:10
We all want mercy. But we must remember that mercy loves and accompanies truth. It is the honest heart that experiences the fullness of God's mercy. Mercy also loves mercy, meaning we must show mercy if we expect to receive mercy.
We all want peace. But we must remember that peace loves and accompanies righteousness. There is no peace to the wicked.
His mercies are new every morning and His peace passes all understanding. These are the blessings He gives to those who love and follow Jesus Christ. ---Billy Long
We all want mercy. But we must remember that mercy loves and accompanies truth. It is the honest heart that experiences the fullness of God's mercy. Mercy also loves mercy, meaning we must show mercy if we expect to receive mercy.
We all want peace. But we must remember that peace loves and accompanies righteousness. There is no peace to the wicked.
His mercies are new every morning and His peace passes all understanding. These are the blessings He gives to those who love and follow Jesus Christ. ---Billy Long