A friend of mine was having to make a tough decision in an area where there appeared to be some tension between practical wisdom and what the Spirit of the Lord was leading him to do. Below is an email exchange of our conversation. The unusual nature of the topic may spur some of you to comment. 

My friend's email
I wanted to shoot a quick note your way with an update letting you know that I'm about to take a major leap of faith and leave my current job with no other job lined up to step into. I know many people would consider this to be CRAZY, especially with the current state of the economy, but, at the risk of sounding like a spiritual nut, I truly feel as though it's the direction God is moving me in.

I've been praying for wisdom/clarity of thought in what steps to take next, and I'd be much appreciative for your prayers as well. This is the first time in my life I've stepped away from something without having something else in place to move's a bit nerve-racking. I'm sure you've experienced those times when you move back and forth between that peace that passes all understanding, and the fear of the uncertain...that's exactly what I'm feeling this past week. Any thoughts or wisdom you care to impart will ALWAYS be welcomed!


My response
Hello, _______,
Thanks for the email. I certainly understand where you are. I’ve had a few similar situations in the past. I remember once, when I was making a similar step of faith, I told everybody I felt like a man standing on a platform blindfolded. I didn’t know if I was about to step-up or step-off. There were times it felt like I did both.

Paradoxes are abundant in our spiritual walk. Natural wisdom and specific, unique direction from the Holy Spirit most of the time flow together without tension. But once in a while they seem to stand in contrast, at times when the Holy Spirit leads us in what we normally wouldn’t do in the practical order of things. Sometimes people will foolishly use the “leading of the Spirit” as an excuse to do some very unwise things. Then other times we use “natural and practical wisdom” as an excuse to not follow the Lord’s specific leading, because we are either afraid or simply unwilling to obey. We should not use "spirituality” to neglect practical wisdom and prudence, but neither should we use natural wisdom to neglect our spiritual walk. Both are necessary in our walk with God in the real world.

We have to know natural wisdom (which is also godly) and we have to know the voice of the Holy Spirit, who generally leads us into practical wisdom. These are usually in perfect harmony, and we know our instrument is tuned properly when the strings harmonize beautifully. This requires a genuine walk with the Lord and the ability to discern the situation and hear His voice.

Sometimes though, the Holy Spirit will lead us down an unusual and unexpected path that on the surface appears to go against the normal expectations of wisdom. But this is God’s prerogative. But it means we really need to know His voice, and not let this principal of the “unusual road” become a stumbling block by using it to cast aside wisdom, discretion, and prudence in the name of the Lord’s leading. What it boils down to, is that a man has to cast himself at the feet of the Lord with a sincere and honest heart seeking to do His will, and then put his trust in the Lord for guidance.

I have lived and walked on both sides of the coin. Looking back, I don’t know whether everything I did was exactly according to the perfect will and direction of the Holy Spirit, or whether the Lord was merciful to me and simply blessed me in times I might have followed the foolishness of youthful or misguided zeal. In any case however, He has been merciful and good to me, blessing my obedience, and showing mercy over my ignorance and failures.

I’ll be praying for you, and I know the Lord will direct and guide you. Please let me know how things go. I’d love to hear what God does and some of the lessons you may learn. Keep in mind, if the Lord is in it, it will still require faith once you make the step. A word from God gives you faith to face what comes, but it does not remove the battle or the opposition. It gives you grace to persevere until the purpose of God is done.

Please let me know how things go. I look forward to the next time we can get together and visit in person.

Bless you,

Usual advice for the unusual decisions
The email exchange quoted above took place a few years ago. I am pleased to say that my friend made the right choice and prospered in his decision. 
Generally speaking, it is best to follow practical wisdom as taught in the book of Proverbs. The Holy Spirit's leading is not inconsistent with common sense. However, there are exceptional times when He may lead us in what appears on the surface to be unorthodox and unconventional. During these times it is important that we ask God to search and purify our hearts. We should also discuss the matter with someone we trust. A person who isolates himself from input is often a person who is seeking to do his own will. We can be led astray by selfish desires and wrong motives, and we need faithful friends who will be honest with us regarding what they see in us. Ultimately however, we have to make our own decisions. It is important that we be able to walk them out in faith and good conscience.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3: 5-6

“And when he brings out His own sheep, He goes before them; and the sheep follow Him, for they know His voice.” John 10: 4

“The integrity of the upright will guide them.” Proverbs 11: 3

“The righteousness of the blameless will direct his way aright, but the wicked will fall by his own wickedness.” Proverbs 11: 6


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