When the load cannot be lightened, we must be strengthened.
The mark of spiritual strength is perseverance and endurance,
not glory clouds and glitter.
We are strengthened for war, not for exhibition.
The enemy can not destroy and lay waste to the church unless the church has first laid aside the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
If the Bible is lost in a culture, it is because it was first lost in the house of God. If the Bible is to be returned to the culture, it must first be found in the house of God.
To face the perplexities, anomalies, and enigmas of life, we must hold to our faith in God’s love and kindness, and His power and greatness. We must also trust His infinite wisdom. He is perfect in all His ways and righteous in all His judgments.
Christians tend to naively believe they will have victory without battle, but when faced with adversity they tend to skeptically think they will have battle without victory.
Unbroken and spiritually unresponsive people will not respond to God’s blessings or to God’s discipline. At what depth they gripe and rebel going down into the valley, at that same corresponding height going up the mountain they will forget God. The flesh of man will find cause to stumble on the mountain top or in the valley.
We must get victory over our failures. They cause us to disobey out of hurt, despair, grief, and humiliation.
We must get victory over our successes. They cause us to disobey out of pride and vainglory.
We must get victory over the things we hate. They fill us with bitterness, unforgiveness, and resentment.
We must get victory over the things we love. We tend to make them idols or we place them ahead of God.
We need to see the importance and power of the unified body of Christ. Even David’s mighty men, with their almost supernatural strength, knew the value of “keeping rank” and working together to get the biggest battles won.
Billy Long