People who are into porn and public nudity often proclaim that the human body is good and we should not be ashamed to show it. They also charge that Christians, because they believe in modesty, think the sexual aspect of the human body is evil. But to the contrary, Christians frown on public nudity and pornography because sex is sacred, not evil. After all, God created male and female, and said “it is good.”

There are two things the scripture forbids us to flaunt in public—that which is evil and that which is sacred. The evil is forbidden because it is evil. The sacred is to be treasured. It is not for the public eye because it is precious and not to be treated as common. Sex should be reserved for the intimacy of a man and woman in marriage, and not displayed as a public spectacle.
God is not an old fogy who sees sex as evil. A reading of Song of Solomon will show that the sexual aspect of marriage is God’s gift to mankind. Man did not create sex when God was not looking and then surprise Him with it. Sexual intimacy is a gift God created for procreation and pleasure in marriage. The bible encourages it but warns of the danger and sin of sexual promiscuity outside of marriage.
We refrain from public nudity because sex is sacred. It should not be treated as common and thus profaned. We should not cheapen that which should be treasured.

If you appreciate this article, you should re-visit the article entitled "Advice to the Woman Looking for a Good Man." 


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